Google's latest version of its Android operating system Android L. (lollipop) was launched today. Significant changes in the new version the old version of Android Android KitKat L (or Android 5) is designed. This material attractive design and security features and is better designed than the first. In El Smartlok Android operating system, add new features such as Face Unlock, and are Priority mode.
Face Unlock Android Face Unlock imagination L. operating system realizing the fantasy of Hollywood movies Although this feature is quite slow and requires bright light for face recognition even for those worried about the safety of this smartphone is very attractive feature.
Android will control your home from L Instruments and Machines
Android 5.0 CCTV in your home, television, car, etc. All connect to the PC will be able to control them from anywhere. Maybe that's why l still connected to the Android operating system is being said.
Best glamorous look
Google's new Android OS to look more attractive and appealing by Simplifai has been made. Now phone, tablet or can be viewed on the TV screen.
Notifications will now feature Smort
Google's new Android OS lock screen to merge with the notification panel is provided. This feature you will see notifications without unlocking your Smartfon.Not here this notification shall be fixed on the basis of activity of users. That way you see most of the notification, the notification that appears the most in the list.
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