• Yosemite OS X for Mac is nice but causes big issue

    ne of my biggest gripes since upgrading my Apple Macbook to the new Yosemite operating system has been the internet issues. It seems that connections have been lost or slower since I made the upgrade. I’ve tried all sorts of tips and tricks for fixing that, but not have provided a permanent solution. Some will work for a short bit of time, and then the internet slows again.
    I have read a lot of people are experiencing similar issues. It seems until the people at Apple provide a new update to install for Yosemite, these problems will persist. Overall though, I do think this new operating system has some great features including the new Notification Center on the right side and overall integration of iOS devices into it. Now I can use Airdrop between my iPhone and Macbook when in the past I could not.
    That said, I know Apple is listening to the people and will make the fix, it’s just a matter of time.
    Do you have the new Yosemite OS X on your Mac computer? If so, what do you think of it?

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